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The Pros & Cons of Working From Home

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Working from home now becomes a normal thing all over the world. The work-from-home job has the same benefit as working from the office. However, it also has some pros and cons.

As we have seen in the past two years, working from home has various downsides and challenges.

Here is the list of the pros and cons of working from home which you have to keep in mind while looking for work from home.

Pros of Working From Home

No Commute

The best thing about working from home is that you don’t have to commute on the daily basis. You can easily save a lot of time and money also. In case you have to commute to work then it is for hardly 30 minutes. It is like a round trip for one hour.

In total, we can say that you have to commute for the 5 hours into the week or the 20 hours every month which in the calculation is 240 hours every year.

As the fuel costs are so high these days, you will get some savings also. Another benefit of the commute is that it reduces the temptation and burden of buying coffee or breakfast in the morning. As you staying home you can go outside as per your needs which is such a best thing.

 Better Work-Life Balance

Among 50% of the people loved to do work from home and were interested to work permanently from home. The reason behind this is that they can spend much of their time with their loved ones.

Like if you work 40 hours per week from your home, you can save a large amount of time. This means that you are available to do more things like having your meals with your family, picking up or dropping your kids from school, and many more. By spending much of your time with your family and loved ones rely you become more productive and work efficiently.

More Flexibility Regarding Your Schedule

The best thing about this is that you have freedom over your work. Many companies offer the employees to choose their working hours, days, or shift. If you are working as a contractor or having your own business then you have whole control over the working hours as you only have to complete the projects on time.

It makes you take care of your loved ones, do some household work, free time for yourself. The main advantage of working from home is that you don’t need to take early leave for important work like doctor’s appointments and more.

Cons of Working From Home

Less Social Contact With Colleagues

As the work from home is the work done from home, there is less contact with the colleagues socially. If you always have co-workers and face-to-face interactions with other people then working from home will be quite challenging for you.

Here you can only communicate by various channels like Skype, Slack, Zoom, or many more. You can also work at a coffee shop for some days per week or connect with the coworking space (A place having the atmosphere of the workplace).

Distractions That Eat Into Your Work Time

Distractions are nowadays everywhere. But you will easily back to work if you are working in the office as there are the managers and supervisors and also the coworkers who depend on you for the work.

But if you are working from the home then there is no one to stop you from using social sites or watching Netflix and more. Once you will get distracted by any of the work then it will take the one house to get back to your work. So it is very important to set the boundaries of the work from home.

Is Working From Home Right For You?

Working from home is not good as compared to working in the company or the office. It is a preference of every person, and you have to check out its benefits and demerits carefully. Check out what type is of your personality and in which mode you are comfortable.

If you are working in telecommunication, then are you suitable for setting a schedule? Will you make the spare time for the physical movements when you stick to your computer? Will social interactions will get reduced or you can manage them? These are some of the questions which can answer you.

Many of the people who are working from home love this because they have managed their schedule which suits them. There are so many jobs which you can choose from. There are so many pros and cons of the work from home jobs. Only you have to commit to your work and words.


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